Category Archives: Russia

The Geopolitics of the Ukraine War – Alfred W. Mccoy

Just as the relentless grinding of the earth’s tectonic plates produces earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, so the endless superpower struggle for dominance over Eurasia is fraught with tensions and armed conflict. Beneath the visible outbreak of war in Ukraine and … Continue reading

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Germany Deserves a Big Share of the Blame for the Ukraine Disaster BY DAVE LINDORFF

Nobody is talking about the blame that must be shouldered by the German government for the crisis and humanitarian disaster in Ukraine. Sure Russia is guilty of a huge war crime in invading Ukraine. Surely too, the US must be … Continue reading

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Russia’s War Against Crimean Tatars

Last year, Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine, and it made international news. Pro-Ukrainian factions considered Russian actions to be unfair regional despotism, whereas pro-Russian groups considered the annexation to be justified. Amidst all of this, one particular voice remained unheard, … Continue reading

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The Real Reasons Behind the Iran Nuke Deal by PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS

Obama is being praised as a man of peace for the nuclear agreement with Iran. Some are asking if Obama will take the next step and repair US-Russian relations and bring the Ukrainian imbroglio to an end? If so he … Continue reading

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Putin Condemns The U.S. for Undermining World Order and Instigating the Rise of ISIS

On Friday, Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the current world order at a meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club. During his speech, Putin spoke out in condemnation of the United States, and its relations with the rest of the world, and … Continue reading

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Washington Piles Lie Upon Lie by PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS

The latest Washington lie, this one coming from NATO, is that Russia has invaded Ukraine with 1,000 troops and self-propelled artillery. How do we know that this is a lie? Is it because we have heard nothing but lies about … Continue reading

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Obama’s “Catastrophic Defeat” in Ukraine by MIKE WHITNEY

“We are currently witnessing an epic and historic event. The Ukrainian regular army and the punitive battalions are suffering a catastrophic defeat to the south of Donetsk…..It still is not quite clear how the Junta intends to avoid a complete … Continue reading

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ExxonMobil, Russia and Ukraine by STEVE HORN

In a long-awaited moment in a hotly contested zone currently occupied by the Russian military, Ukraine’s citizens living in the peninsula of Crimea voted overwhelmingly to become part of Russia. Responding to the referendum, President Barack Obama and numerous U.S. officials rejected the results … Continue reading

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Obama Backs Down on Crimea by MIKE WHITNEY

“I never thought I’d live to see the day when the US State Department whitewashed the neo-Nazi views and heritage of a gang of thugs who had seized power in a violent coup d’état. In Iraq, Libya, and Syria, US … Continue reading

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Footprints of the US State Department – Chronology of the Ukrainian Coup by RENEE PARSONS

Listening to the US media, even the most diligent news junkie would find it difficult to know that the U.S. State Department played not only a vital role in the violence and chaos underway in Ukraine but was also complicit in creating … Continue reading

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