Sauce For The Goose – Mark Glenn

A ‘crazed Muslim fanatic’ entering the holy of holies–a ‘seminary’ (the Christians will better identify with that word than they will the word yeshiva) and kills 8 soon-to-be Rabbis whom the Jewish Talmud says are even smarter than God Himself…The world is brought to a standstill…The news media is on the scene and covering it as if nothing else where taking place anywhere…Scenes of wailing Jews, crying out to the God in heaven who loves them more than anyone else ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken us?…’

Boy THAT sure was a lucky coincidence for Israel, huh? Right in the ‘knick of time,’ as they say…I mean, what could have been more timely and fortuitous, and particularly with what just took place last week? All that bad press that this ‘shitty little country’ (as one diplomat once described the Jewish state) was getting after it invaded Gaza and murdered over 100 people, to say nothing of the fact that before murdering them they tortured them for several months by preventing the most basic necessities such as food, fuel and medicine from entering the most densely populated area on the planet.

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